Our Philosophy

Enkindle Village School provides an alternative to traditional education through our dynamic approach and real world learning; guiding our students and equipping them with real skills for the future.

An innovative approach for a 21st Century Education.

Located in Townsville, Enkindle Village School is an independent, government accredited Primary school currently offering Prep to Year 6. We use the Australian National Curriculum as the basis for our education, but deliver it through a holistic, innovative and inclusive approach.

Liberty - Curiosity - Joy

Our Motto

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy of education is founded on democratic principles, with the belief that people affected by a decision should have a voice in that decision.

When children are guided with kindness and respect in a setting that allows this freedom to discover, they thrive.


Autonomy - Voice - Responsibility - Equity - Impact

Personal freedom; in this context is the ability to take charge of one’s own learning. Children learn out of interest and curiosity, so it makes sense that they have some autonomy in what and how they want to learn. We don’t all learn the same way and don’t all find the same things interesting. When children have no autonomy, boredom is often the result. The main characteristics associated with autonomous learning are: resourcefulness, adaptability, initiative, and persistence.

Liberty is differentiated from freedom in that it takes into account the rights of all involved. As such, students learn that with rights comes responsibility. Children need practice in order to become good decision makers and problem solvers, and taking risks is an important part of growing and learning. While our school encourages student self-management we understand that the natural progression from childhood to adulthood requires guidance. This guidance assists children in recognising responsible action and the consequences in a safe and nurturing way.

  • Everyone has a valid and valuable voice.
  • Student participation in school decision-making; for example through student councils and
    student-teacher-administrator committees.
  • Honouring individual needs and encouraging the development of our own judgement; eg. Children determine when to eat, when to take a break, etc.
  • No rewards, shame, bribery or punishments.
  • Encouraging students to negotiate, take risks and set boundaries.
  • No “boss” but clear leadership; mutual respect between adults and children.
  • No uniforms, use of first names for adults and children.
  • Preference to natural consequences and reflection (guided when necessary).


Play - Learning - Creativity - Innovation

We cultivate a school environment where children are encouraged to learn the necessary skills to truly prepare them for a successful future. When children are given liberty and autonomy in a nurturing and playful environment, the result is creative and innovative thinking. We also encourage reflection, debate, discussion. Understanding that by being open to the latest research we can incorporate the very best of contemporary knowledge about teaching and learning to become more innovative and effective educators.

  • Nurturing creativity and imagination in students with the understanding that this is the basis for all human ingenuity.
  • Using current findings from progressive education and related fields to improve learning opportunities and student well-being.
  • Constantly developing new partnerships within our community to allow us access to cutting edge technology and resources.


Connection - Community - Kindness - Respect - Balance

What is learnt in joy is never forgotten. Time and again research shows that it is through play that children discover and acquire fundamental skills and understandings. It is in their nature to explore, be active and interact with their environment. At Enkindle Village School we place value on our children finding joy in their day to day school life.

  • Encouraging and honouring children’s ideas, opinions and choices.
  • Striving for peaceful interactions and conflict resolution.
  • Play-based learning in the 6-9 years group, as well as dynamic learning environments.
  • Conducting a significant amount of learning outdoors, children engage better in a natural environment.
  • Valuing character development equal to intellectual development.

Creating Global Citizens
for the real world.

At Enkindle, our vision is to cultivate capable and free thinking people. Our mission is to ignite their hearts and minds through a vibrant and engaging environment that provides a voice and choice.